About Us

The România de Mâine Foundation Publishing House was established in 1992, within Mass Media România de Mâine Ltd., as a component of the namesake Foundation, having a didactic-university profile, with a considerable editorial register made up of theoretical works and scientific studies, courses university textbooks, textbooks, course materials, summaries, test collections, practice books, study guides, practical guides and many other materials, for all stages of university education, which support students or specialists in the following fields of activity: Sciences economics, marketing and business administration; Psychology and Educational Sciences; Legal and administrative sciences; Philosophy; History; Computer Science and Engineering; Veterinary medicine; Physical education and sports. The founding principle of the publishing house’s activity, on the basis of which its programs and strategies are developed, is complex, encouraging the attraction to study, the development of the professional attire of the new generations, through modern methods, the promotion of originality and innovation, current information, accurate explanations, full of substance, necessary for a vision of the real economy, in conditions of competitiveness (https://editurafrm.ro/) (https://www.facebook.com/editurafundatieiromaniademaineoficial/?locale=ro_RO)

The quality of the editorial production is confirmed both by the performance and scientific authority of the authors whose names appear on the covers of the published books, as well as by the professionalism of the editorial teams composed of academics specialized in each field, as well as collaborators from the academic environment, personalities of scientific life in Romania or abroad. Between 2017 and 2023, the editorial activity was realized by the appearance of over 400 titles, in a total circulation of over 115,000 copies.

The main goal of the România de Mâine Foundation Publishing House remains the dissemination of culture and scientific research from and to valuable people, with high intellectual standing, true moral models of contemporary society. Thus, from the very beginning, the publishing house also focused on the publication of some works with a theoretical character in the field of fundamental research, to complement the knowledge of students and, at the same time, to address professionals and readers passionate about the respective fields, thus creating a community based on the authentic values ​​of contemporary science.

The impact of edited titles can be quantified by the increasing interest of readers, the increase in the number of requests for reprinting and, last but not least, the rapid exhaustion of some works of scientific interest in the fields of Economics, Psychology, Philosophy, History, Computer Science, Veterinary Medicine.

The portfolio of our publishing house also includes many areas of the socio-humanistic field, such as Journalism; Communication and public relations; Communication sciences; Cultural studies; Geography; Romanian language and literature; Foreign languages ​​and literatures; Architecture; performing arts; Musical Pedagogy. In each of these fields, the editorial activity is directed towards the refinement of texts and content, based on documentation and uninterrupted contact with authors or groups of authors, so that the necessary information is not only thorough and of high quality, but also accessible to all categories of readers to whom it is addressed.

Within the România de Mâine Foundation Publishing House, the field of Economics and business administration was given special attention, being selected and published valuable works signed by important names who focused on this area of ​​knowledge. An argument in this regard is the establishment, in 2015, of the collection Fundamental Economic Issues (https://editurafrm.ro/categorie-produs/probleme-economice-fundamentale-colectie/) under the high patronage of Prof. Univ. Dr. Gheorghe Zaman, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy. The works published in the collection were presented at symposia, book launches and conferences held as part of partnerships and round tables held on the occasion of book fairs, benefiting from promotion campaigns supported with the help of media partners: Radio Seven (http://radio-seven.ro/), Opinia Națională (https://www.facebook.com/opinianationala/?locale=ro_RO&checkpoint_src=any), Național TV, Antena 1), as well as – because we prefer to address a young audience – promotion on the Facebook platform (https://www.facebook.com/editurafundatieiromaniademaineoficial/?locale=ro_RO).

We emphasize the presence, in 2019, of some titles from the collection at the Salon de Livre in Paris (at the stand organized under the auspices of the Society of Romanian Publishers), alongside works from other fields. All published volumes can be found at the National Library of Romania, the Metropolitan Library, the National Library of the Republic of Moldova, and some of the books are present in university and national libraries in other countries, such as: Faculdad de Filosofia y Letras – Biblioteca de Humanidades , Bibliotheque Universitaire des langues et civilizations; Biblioteca Servicios centrales Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Free University Maria Santissima Assunta; L-Universite Paris 1, University of Oxford main inquiry Desk. Bodleian Library; National Central Library of Rome; University Library of Naples; Main Library of the University of Edinburgh; Universitè Paris-Sorbonne Bibliotheque Malesherbes; Philological Library of Freie Universität Berlin; Albert-Ludwings-Universitat Universitatsbibliothek; Hamburg State and University Library; Faculdade Letras Universidade Lisboa Library.

Recently, a collaboration agreement was concluded with the Romanian National Institute of Heritage, according to which, starting this year, the books and periodicals of the Publishing House and Spiru Haret University will be digitized and exhibited online on the library website digitala.ro, belonging to the above-mentioned institute, respectively on the European Digital Library (www.europeana.ro)

We mention that, out of the desire to expand the range of topics covered, in the new global economic context and the new orientations towards a sustainable economy, as well as in order to develop the editorial activity to a new level, the publishing house of the Romania of Tomorrow Foundation initiated, in the year 2022 , a vast program of translations into Romanian of the works of prestigious economists. Thus, the following titles, for which the publishing house obtained the publishing rights, are in the process of appearing in the Fundamental Economic Problems Collection: Era of sustainable development, Jeffrey D. Sachs, ISBN 978-606-20-0604-4 (ed.orig. Columbia University Press), respectively The People, Power and Profit, ISBN 978-606-20-0613-6, author Joseph Stieglitz, laureate of the Nobel Prize for Economics (ed.orig. Penguin Books).

Our publishing house considers itself a platform from which novel ideas, courageous scientific studies, scientific hypotheses and theories, scientifically proven truths based on sources beyond any doubt and based on assiduous documentation can and must be expressed. Following this desire, we edit periodical publications in English, addressed to students and specialists in various fields:

1. Journal of Academic Research in Economics (in collaboration with the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences Constanța, of Spiru Haret University. The journal appears quarterly (https://www.jare-sh.com/)

2. Minerva – Journal of History & Philosophy. Appears biannually (https://editurafrm.ro/revista-minerva/);

3. Journal of Communication and Behavioural Sciences (in collaboration with the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of Bucharest, Spiru Haret University. It appears semiannually/annually (https://anale.spiruharet.ro/behav-sci);

4. Annals of Spiru Haret University, Economic Series (publisher Faculty of Economic Sciences Bucharest), semiannual publication (https://anale.spiruharet.ro/economics).

Book distribution is carried out through the publishing house’s two bookstores in Bucharest, through the publishing house’s online store (https://editurafrm.ro/carti/), and through partner networks of bookstores or booksellers: Cărturești, Evenimentul Zilei-Capital (https://www.edituradecarte.ro/?s=Editura+Funda%C8%9Biei+Rom%C3%A2nia+de+M%C3%A2ine&submit=Caut%C4%83), librarie.net or Bibliostar.

Another concern of our publishing house was and will remain in the future, the initiation and development of international cooperation with similar institutions and organizations from other states, especially from the European Union. Thus, during 2019, an Agreement was signed with the Istituto Teseo in Italy (https://www.istitutoteseo.eu/istituto-teseo/partnership/) regarding the reciprocal right to translate the works that will be made available by both parties, as part of a cultural exchange program. Since then, several titles have been translated and published, in Italian translation, at Teseo University Press (https://www.istitutoteseo.eu/university-press/) among which we list: The meaning of philosophy in human spirituality. The identity of Romanian philosophy, author Ion Tudosescu; A star in the Romanian sky – Queen Mary of Romania, author Nicolae Mareș; Romania under the Fire Rooster Zodiac, author Mircea Coșea; The Philosophy of Integrativity, author Ioan N. Roșca. România de Mâine Foundation Publishing House published the Romanian translation of the volumes Come le foglie al vento (Like leaves in the wind) (https://editurafrm.ro/carti/ca-frunzele-in-vant-flexibilitatea-muncii-si-scenarii-atipice-traducere-din-limba-italiana-de-alexandra-radu/) signed by a group of authors coordinated by Stefano Amodio, president of Istituto Teseo; Saggi anticonformisti nella storia della filosofia (Nonconformist studies in the history of philosophy), author Diego Fusaro (https://editurafrm.ro/editura-fundatiei-romania-de-maine-si-istituto-teseo-din-italia-lanseaza-eseuri-nonconformiste-din-istoria-filosofiei/); Prospettive della psicologia del management (Themes and perspectives in management psychology), authors Massimiliano Barattucci and Stefano Amodio link; and the book Il bagliore delle illusioni: lo schermo che uccide (The glow of illusions – Screens that kill) (https://editurafrm.ro/carti/2786/) signed by Alessandro Denti, is about to be published shortly.

The agreement with the Teseo Institute also includes the following directions of action: the organization of conferences to promote the books and their subject, both in Romania and in Italy; initiation of a joint publication, jointly edited, by both parties; the publication of economic-themed articles signed by Italian authors recommended by the institute in Italy; harmonizing common fields of activity, in order to rapidly increase the number of volumes to be published by the two signatories of the agreement.

Also, a collaboration and editorial assistance contract i sunder negotiation with The Wylie Agency, from London (United Kingdom), in order to ensure access to prestigious titles of economic literature or in the field of other sciences, under conditions of legality and advantageous financial. A pilot contract has already been signed for the acquisition of copyright for the Romanian edition of The Age of Sustainable Development, by Jeffrey D. Sachs, and the book is in the process of being published.

To ensure an exceptional graphic quality, in the vicinity of the publishing house, the România de Mâine computerized printing complex operates, consisting of offset and digital printing, graphic and text editing, DTP, computerized technical editing, digital prepress and modern and fast finishing lines, which ensure printing of all the works requested by the publishing house or other component entities of the România de Mâine Foundation.

The efforts of the România de Mâine Foundation Publishing House are aimed at continuous improvement, diversification of the highly scientific book offer, increasing the visibility of the publishing house on a national and international level, self-analysis in a critical spirit, eliminating the awkwardness and gaps inherent in the process of building a new image in good faith and innovative spirit.